[silva-dev] Silva 3.0 - beta testing
Sylvain Viollon
2011-08-15 08:03:25 UTC

We are now polishing Silva 3.0, in hope to release it soon.

In this major version, we completely rebuild the SMI, using ajax technologies, to make it a lot faster,
specially for sites with lot of content.

It would be great to have beta tester that help us to identify the last bugs in order to clear them out.
If you have a bit of free time and want to contribute, it would be great ! Please contact me if you wish
to be beta tester.

Major changes includes:

- A new SMI interface (still themable),

- A new document type with a new editor, that integrate links and images references and code
sources, like Kupu used to do.

A demo site is available at http://demo30.silvacms.org/

Extension / product changes

The following products have been removed:

- Products.SilvaViews

- Products.FileSystemDirectory

- Products.Kupu

- silva.resourceinclude

After migration:

- Products.SilvaDocument

- Products.SilvaNews

- Products.ParsedXML

The following extension have been added:

- silva.ui (SMI UI code. All the SMI forms are still defined in silva.core.smi).

- silva.core.editor (Integration of CKEditor, with link, image, anchor plugins, configuration service)

- silva.app.document (new document type)

- silva.app.news (new news product based on the new document type)

- silva.fanstatic (this is a new system to include resources based on fanstatic. It is 100% backward compatible
with the old one, and provide a better merging support, minified support, and more flexibility to include resources
in only a view or a page).

The SMI is still themable, however the 2.3 SMI theme won't work with Silva 3.0 (since the code is completely

Code source changes

Code sources have been improved. The code source service now tracks all usable code sources present in your
Silva site, and let you quickly identify broken ones. On the code sources those improvements have been

- The LookupField have been replaced by a ReferenceField, that let you pick a content the same, but store
it as a reference instead of a path, so if the document or the target move, the value won't be broken.

- All values are provided to the code source in the correct format: an integer is an integer, a boolean is a boolean,
a reference the referred object.

- If no value was inputed by the user, the default is correctly provided to the source.

- IMPORTANT: request.model is not used and available in Silva anymore. You should use the parameters
model and version that are given to the source. This was causing lot of bugs and trouble when sources
played with this request data.

Installation from the file system of sources have been simplified. It is now really easy to write your sources on the
filesystem in your extension and refresh them in ZMI.

Upgrading to 3.0

You need first to update your custom code in order to have it work in an empty Silva site. silva.core.layout layouts
didn't change at all, it should work by default. Silva Legacy layouts (in ZODB) doesn't work anymore.

Since SilvaViews is not used anymore, the only way to define a content is to define an add and edit form using
zeam.form.silva, and define a public view using silva.core.views. If you already updated your content to use
those techniques in Silva 2.3, you won't have anything to change either.

If you didn't do any of those tasks for your upgrade to Silva 2.3, you will have to do it for Silva 3.0.

After for the contnet migration, the conversion script correctly create new document type out of the old one,
storing links, images and sources correctly (as well for Silva news). However if you wish to upgrade to Silva 3.0
you will have to upgrade first to Silva 2.3. After running the first part of the upgrade (the zodbupdate script),
you have to start Zope and fix the code sources parameters form of all code sources so the document migration
can work. The new screens of the code source service can help you to achieve this. After code sources works,
you can resume the migration using the silvaupdate script.

Silva 3.0 uses Python 2.7 and Zope 2.13.

If you have any question, don't hesitate to contact me, or reply to this email.


Sylvain Viollon -- Infrae
t +31 10 243 7051 -- http://infrae.com
Hoevestraat 10 3033GC Rotterdam -- The Netherlands
Jonathan Bowlas
2011-08-15 09:09:30 UTC
Hi Slyvain.

Looking great. I'll see if I can get anyone from UCL to do a little testing.

However whilst clicking around myself I noticed a bug with the Silva News
Category Filter - one cannot be added without an error being returned.


Post by Sylvain Viollon
We are now polishing Silva 3.0, in hope to release it soon.
In this major version, we completely rebuild the SMI, using ajax
technologies, to make it a lot faster,
specially for sites with lot of content.
It would be great to have beta tester that help us to identify the last
bugs in order to clear them out.
If you have a bit of free time and want to contribute, it would be great !
Please contact me if you wish
to be beta tester.
- A new SMI interface (still themable),
- A new document type with a new editor, that integrate links and images
references and code
sources, like Kupu used to do.
A demo site is available at http://demo30.silvacms.org/
Extension / product changes
- Products.SilvaViews
- Products.FileSystemDirectory
- Products.Kupu
- silva.resourceinclude
- Products.SilvaDocument
- Products.SilvaNews
- Products.ParsedXML
- silva.ui (SMI UI code. All the SMI forms are still defined in silva.core.smi).
- silva.core.editor (Integration of CKEditor, with link, image, anchor
plugins, configuration service)
- silva.app.document (new document type)
- silva.app.news (new news product based on the new document type)
- silva.fanstatic (this is a new system to include resources based on
fanstatic. It is 100% backward compatible
with the old one, and provide a better merging support, minified
support, and more flexibility to include resources
in only a view or a page).
The SMI is still themable, however the 2.3 SMI theme won't work with Silva
3.0 (since the code is completely
Code source changes
Code sources have been improved. The code source service now tracks all
usable code sources present in your
Silva site, and let you quickly identify broken ones. On the code sources
those improvements have been
- The LookupField have been replaced by a ReferenceField, that let you
pick a content the same, but store
it as a reference instead of a path, so if the document or the target
move, the value won't be broken.
- All values are provided to the code source in the correct format: an
integer is an integer, a boolean is a boolean,
a reference the referred object.
- If no value was inputed by the user, the default is correctly provided to the source.
- IMPORTANT: request.model is not used and available in Silva anymore. You
should use the parameters
model and version that are given to the source. This was causing lot of
bugs and trouble when sources
played with this request data.
Installation from the file system of sources have been simplified. It is
now really easy to write your sources on the
filesystem in your extension and refresh them in ZMI.
Upgrading to 3.0
You need first to update your custom code in order to have it work in an
empty Silva site. silva.core.layout layouts
didn't change at all, it should work by default. Silva Legacy layouts (in
ZODB) doesn't work anymore.
Since SilvaViews is not used anymore, the only way to define a content is
to define an add and edit form using
zeam.form.silva, and define a public view using silva.core.views. If you
already updated your content to use
those techniques in Silva 2.3, you won't have anything to change either.
If you didn't do any of those tasks for your upgrade to Silva 2.3, you
will have to do it for Silva 3.0.
After for the contnet migration, the conversion script correctly create
new document type out of the old one,
storing links, images and sources correctly (as well for Silva news).
However if you wish to upgrade to Silva 3.0
you will have to upgrade first to Silva 2.3. After running the first part
of the upgrade (the zodbupdate script),
you have to start Zope and fix the code sources parameters form of all
code sources so the document migration
can work. The new screens of the code source service can help you to
achieve this. After code sources works,
you can resume the migration using the silvaupdate script.
Silva 3.0 uses Python 2.7 and Zope 2.13.
If you have any question, don't hesitate to contact me, or reply to this email.
Sylvain Viollon -- Infrae
t +31 10 243 7051 -- http://infrae.com
Hoevestraat 10 3033GC Rotterdam -- The Netherlands
silva-general mailing list
silva-general at lists.infrae.com
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Sylvain Viollon
2011-08-15 09:17:03 UTC
Post by Jonathan Bowlas
Hi Slyvain.
Post by Jonathan Bowlas
Looking great. I'll see if I can get anyone from UCL to do a little testing.
However whilst clicking around myself I noticed a bug with the Silva News
Category Filter - one cannot be added without an error being returned.
In 2.3 that's a bug that should be fixed.

In 3.0 it will be replaced by a local service, to simplify all the code, and be
less confusing.


Sylvain Viollon -- Infrae
t +31 10 243 7051 -- http://infrae.com
Hoevestraat 10 3033GC Rotterdam -- The Netherlands